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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The WoW Shaman Class

The shaman class in World of Warcraft is one of the most
challenging and rewarding classes in the game. It's purpose in the
game largely depends on the spec that is chosen by the player like
most of the classes in WoW. The possible roles include melee damage
as enhancement, ranged damage in the form of elemental, or healing as
a restoration shaman. As of the current patch (3.5) the races that
can be shamans are Draenei on the Alliance Faction. Orcs, Tauren,
and Trolls can be shamans on the Horde side.

As a hybrid class (part melee part caster) shamans are one of the
more diverse classes in WoW and are thus considered more complicated
than most. Keeping this in mind this blog will focus on the enhance-
ment shaman to keep the information limited and thus more robust and
dependable. The fact that this is my preferred spec both for PvE and
PvP makes it a natural choice for me and I hope my enthusiasm for
this character choice helps me to deliver the best possible content
for my readers.

As mentioned above shamans are a hybrid class. The quick breakdown
of a hybrid class is that it uses mana for it's abilities some of which
are considered spells and others are considered attacks. This means
that they use Attack Power (AP) to boost some abilities and Spell
Power (SP) to boost others. The spec chosen by the player determines
which will play a more important role for a character.

This blog will hopefully eventually cover all aspects of the class and
answer as many questions as possible. I do not intend to update it every
day but will do so regularly. I will start with the basics of the
class and then become more specific as time goes on for each of the
topics I originally posted on. I hope this helps both you and me
better understand the class.

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